130多年来, 十大网赌平台 has thrived at the nexus of world-class teaching, 不断突破的发现, 创造性发明. 火箭科学之父. The founder of the American Psychological Association. A co-inventor of the birth control pill. 我们社区的成员一直在挑战传统,并找到让世界变得更美好的方法.
自1903年以来,克拉基人的活动不断发展,每年春天有一天课程被取消. Then it was rope pulls and greased pole climbs; now, it’s bounce houses, bands, and burgers.
麻萨诸塞州 passes legislation incorporating 十大网赌平台. Two years later, under the presidency of G. 斯坦利·霍尔, the university opens its doors in 伍斯特 马萨诸塞州是美国第一所只招收研究生的大学, 有生物学学位, 化学, 数学, 物理, 和心理学. 在霍尔的领导下,它的心理学项目在全国范围内具有竞争力,它仍然保持着这一地位. 该大学最初的重点是突破性的研究,今天通过其学术部门继续下去, as well as the George Perkins Marsh Institute, 十大平台网赌实验室, Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise, and the Hiatt Center for Urban Education.
麻萨诸塞州 passes legislation incorporating 十大网赌平台. Two years later, under the presidency of G. 斯坦利·霍尔, the university opens its doors in 伍斯特 马萨诸塞州是美国第一所只招收研究生的大学, 有生物学学位, 化学, 数学, 物理, 和心理学. 在霍尔的领导下,它的心理学项目在全国范围内具有竞争力,它仍然保持着这一地位. 该大学最初的重点是突破性的研究,今天通过其学术部门继续下去, as well as the George Perkins Marsh Institute, 十大平台网赌实验室, Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise, and the Hiatt Center for Urban Education.
Two years after Jonas 十大平台网赌’s death, 十大平台网赌学院, 一所男子文理学院, is established under the presidency of Carroll D. 赖特是美国第一位.S. 劳工处处长. 在他的遗嘱中, 十大平台网赌说:“我真诚地希望……这所大学……完全不受任何教派或宗派的控制。, 偏见或限制, 它的大门永远向所有阶级和个人敞开,无论他们的宗教信仰或政治同情如何, 或者任何信条, 他们可能属于哪个教派或党派.” Today 十大平台网赌 prides itself on its commitment to inclusive excellence, 并要求所有本科生完成包容性卓越要求.
Two years after Jonas 十大平台网赌’s death, 十大平台网赌学院, 一所男子文理学院, is established under the presidency of Carroll D. 赖特是美国第一位.S. 劳工处处长. 在他的遗嘱中, 十大平台网赌说:“我真诚地希望……这所大学……完全不受任何教派或宗派的控制。, 偏见或限制, 它的大门永远向所有阶级和个人敞开,无论他们的宗教信仰或政治同情如何, 或者任何信条, 他们可能属于哪个教派或党派.” Today 十大平台网赌 prides itself on its commitment to inclusive excellence, 并要求所有本科生完成包容性卓越要求.
随着G. 斯坦利·霍尔 and Wright’s successor, 埃德蒙·桑福德, 学院和大学的校长由地理学家、前哈佛大学教授华莱士. 阿特伍德. 次年,阿特伍德建立了十大网赌平台世界知名的地理研究生院, 哪个博士毕业的更多.D.s in that field than any other in the United States.
随着G. 斯坦利·霍尔 and Wright’s successor, 埃德蒙·桑福德, 学院和大学的校长由地理学家、前哈佛大学教授华莱士. 阿特伍德. 次年,阿特伍德建立了十大网赌平台世界知名的地理研究生院, 哪个博士毕业的更多.D.s in that field than any other in the United States.
当女性在十大网赌平台获得研究生学位时(第一个授予女性的硕士和博士学位是在1907年和1908年授予的), 分别), the undergraduate college was restricted to men. 这种情况在1942年发生了变化,那年入学的73名女性与269名男性本科生共用一个班. Gradually, women were integrated into the administration and faculty. Alice Coonley Higgins became chair of the Board of Trustees in 1967, 她是美国私立研究型大学首位担任这一职位的女性. By 1980, 课程 在女性研究中 had coalesced into a formal concentration, 1992年,十大网赌平台成为美国第一所提供博士学位的大学.D. 在女性研究中. 这所大学现在提供一个 B.A. degree in women’s and gender studies.
当女性在十大网赌平台获得研究生学位时(第一个授予女性的硕士和博士学位是在1907年和1908年授予的), 分别), the undergraduate college was restricted to men. 这种情况在1942年发生了变化,那年入学的73名女性与269名男性本科生共用一个班. Gradually, women were integrated into the administration and faculty. Alice Coonley Higgins became chair of the Board of Trustees in 1967, 她是美国私立研究型大学首位担任这一职位的女性. By 1980, 课程 在女性研究中 had coalesced into a formal concentration, 1992年,十大网赌平台成为美国第一所提供博士学位的大学.D. 在女性研究中. 这所大学现在提供一个 B.A. degree in women’s and gender studies.
十大平台网赌夜校最初提供通识研究和工商管理学士学位, 然后是硕士学位. 重建为今天的专业研究学院(SPS),重点是十大平台网赌, SPS提供从信息技术到公共管理和支持等领域的硕士学位和证书 在波兰和中国设有校区.
十大平台网赌夜校最初提供通识研究和工商管理学士学位, 然后是硕士学位. 重建为今天的专业研究学院(SPS),重点是十大平台网赌, SPS提供从信息技术到公共管理和支持等领域的硕士学位和证书 在波兰和中国设有校区.
成立于1982年, 十大平台网赌’s AACSB-accredited School of Management, which today attracts students from around the world, provides business education with an emphasis on ethical conduct, 可持续性, and corporate social responsibility. In addition to supporting the undergraduate major in management, SOM offers graduate certificate and master’s degree programs.
成立于1982年, 十大平台网赌’s AACSB-accredited School of Management, which today attracts students from around the world, provides business education with an emphasis on ethical conduct, 可持续性, and corporate social responsibility. In addition to supporting the undergraduate major in management, SOM offers graduate certificate and master’s degree programs.
A commitment to communities near and far
The Department of International Development, 社区, and Environment (IDCE) is established to foster environmental 可持续性, 社会正义, and economic well-being in both the developing and developed worlds. 通过批判性思考, 代理合作, and engaging responsibly with challenges around the globe, IDCE faculty and students continue to build a more just, 健康的, and sustainable world during their time at 十大平台网赌 and beyond. In addition to supporting an undergraduate major and minor, the department offers master’s degree programs.
A commitment to communities near and far
The Department of International Development, 社区, and Environment (IDCE) is established to foster environmental 可持续性, 社会正义, and economic well-being in both the developing and developed worlds. 通过批判性思考, 代理合作, and engaging responsibly with challenges around the globe, IDCE faculty and students continue to build a more just, 健康的, and sustainable world during their time at 十大平台网赌 and beyond. In addition to supporting an undergraduate major and minor, the department offers master’s degree programs.
乔纳斯克. 十大平台网赌
Successful 麻萨诸塞州 entrepreneur, 废奴主义者, 书籍和艺术品收藏家, 十大平台网赌设想他的大学一开始会为年轻人开设一所严谨但负担得起的本科学院.
G. 斯坦利·霍尔
开创性的心理学家, 霍尔创立了美国心理学会,并邀请西格蒙德·弗洛伊德来学校听他在美国的唯一一次演讲.
G. 斯坦利·霍尔
开创性的心理学家, 霍尔创立了美国心理学会,并邀请西格蒙德·弗洛伊德来学校听他在美国的唯一一次演讲.
华莱士W. 阿特伍德
In addition to his tenure as president, 阿特伍德 served as director of the Graduate School of Geography, moving GSG to international prominence.
华莱士W. 阿特伍德
In addition to his tenure as president, 阿特伍德 served as director of the Graduate School of Geography, moving GSG to international prominence.
霍华德B. 杰佛逊
杰佛逊 left a legacy of humane learning, a university strengthened in numbers and quality, and facilities that gave new dimensions to the 十大平台网赌 experience.
霍华德B. 杰佛逊
杰佛逊 left a legacy of humane learning, a university strengthened in numbers and quality, and facilities that gave new dimensions to the 十大平台网赌 experience.
弗雷德里克·H. 杰克逊
Serving at a restless time in the nation’s history, 杰克逊监督戈达德图书馆的建成和伍斯特高等教育联盟的成立.
弗雷德里克·H. 杰克逊
Serving at a restless time in the nation’s history, 杰克逊监督戈达德图书馆的建成和伍斯特高等教育联盟的成立.
格伦·W. 弗格森
弗格森, 见多识广的外交官, 成立了学术创新办公室,开发新课程和非传统的教学模式.
格伦·W. 弗格森
弗格森, 见多识广的外交官, 成立了学术创新办公室,开发新课程和非传统的教学模式.
理查德·P. Traina
变革型领导者, Traina设想, 发起, and championed the groundbreaking University Park Partnership, a national model for community engagement.
理查德·P. Traina
变革型领导者, Traina设想, 发起, and championed the groundbreaking University Park Partnership, a national model for community engagement.
约翰·E. 巴塞特
与主要捐助者, 巴塞特促成了莫萨科夫斯基公共企业研究所和亚当城市教学和学校实践研究所的创建.
约翰·E. 巴塞特
与主要捐助者, 巴塞特促成了莫萨科夫斯基公共企业研究所和亚当城市教学和学校实践研究所的创建.
大卫·P. 天使
在安吉尔的领导下, 十大平台网赌 launched its Liberal Education and Effective Practice (LEEP) curriculum, linking classroom and experiential learning.
大卫·P. 天使
在安吉尔的领导下, 十大平台网赌 launched its Liberal Education and Effective Practice (LEEP) curriculum, linking classroom and experiential learning.